Acne During Pregnancy - How to Treat it

6:31 AM Granny Remedies 0 Comments

Acne during pregnancy is quite common. Pregnancy is a time when our skin becomes extra sensitive, and goes through various remarkable changes in preparation for the delivery of our babies. Just as hormonal fluctuations during puberty can result in a surge of pimples, so too can pregnancy. If you already suffer from adult acne you may find your situation a bit worse during pregnancy. Acne is not the only skin problem women are faced with during pregnancy. There are other conditions such as melasma which is commonly known as the pregnancy mask. 

However, there are also instances where women with acne-prone skin report a decrease in breakouts during pregnancy. Acne during pregnancy can be mild, moderate, or even severe, and it can occur at any time during the pregnancy. It may come and go, or it may last the entire pregnancy. Progesterone and alteration hydration are two major factors that increase the prevalence of acne during pregnancy. Higher levels of hormones called androgens are at least partly responsible for pregnancy breakouts because they can prompt the sebaceous glands in your skin to get bigger and boost production of an oily substance called sebum. Over 17 million people in the United States alone suffer from some form, many of them being teenagers, and pregnant women. 

Acne during pregnancy can be treated in a variety of ways.  There are several medications that are used to treat acne outside of pregnancy that are typically recommended against using during this phase. Getting treatment for it, should first be evaluated by a dermatologist so that no harm will come to the unborn child. Pregnant women with this condition are usually treated with the use of a topical medicated drug. In addition to acne drugs during pregnancy that specifically attack the acne problem; antibiotics have been shown to help stop or slow the spread. The main goal of a treatment is to stop the possibility of permanent scarring.

Squeezing, picking or hard scrubbing are usually not effective methods for removing the appearance of pimples, since this condition is primarily a problem that occurs under the skin within the hair follicles of a human body. The best way to prevent acne during pregnancy is to try to reduce it. Regular exercise to improve the blood circulation, get plenty of sleep, washing your face regularly, avoid scrubbing and rubbing, etc. are some of things that you can do to prevent it.