Blood In Poop ?

5:33 AM Granny Remedies 0 Comments

The presence of blood in poop is quite an embarrassing and frightening problem. So, if disturbing issues like, “when I poop blood comes out” and “why does blood come out when I poop” are swirling in your mind then read ahead to analyze the underlying cause.

What Does It Mean When Blood Comes Out When You Poop?

What does it mean when you poop and blood comes out? To understand this, you need to explore a number of reasons before coming to a conclusion. First of all, try to ascertain if it is actually blood in poop or simply bloody looking poop.

At times, we do not notice but foods like tomatoes, beets, pomegranates and other similar red colored foods lead to red colored stools. In fact, people often ask, “Can watermelon cause red stool?” Well, the answer is yes, in certain individuals, excessive consumption of watermelon can make the stools turn red in color but it is not a serious issue.

Consumption of iron supplements, black licorice, blueberries, blackberries etc, on the other hand, make the poop appear dark in color, again giving the impression of having bloody poop.

If it is actually the case of blood coming out when you poop then some common causes are constipation, internal or external hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other similar issues that cause rectal injury during bowel movements.

Conditions like Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Peptic Ulcers, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Vascular Malformation, Intestinal Infection, Colon Polyps etc. Hence, it is recommended to have a nutritious, fiber rich diet carefully avoiding foods that you are allergic to in order to avoid a host of digestive problems giving rise to the frightening condition of pooping out blood.

Rectal bleeding accompanied by fever may be caused by chronic liver disease. Certain conditions, for instance Ischemic Colitis can also cause abdominal pain. A disease called Watermelon Stomach may also give rise to the problem of watermelon red poop or melena accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, heart palpitations, chronic headaches and anemia due to severe loss of blood.

The disease is characterized by dilation of blood vessels in the lower part of the stomach and sudden hemorrhage leading to internal bleeding. The exact cause of this condition is still not known. Nonetheless, it is often associated with Atropic Gastritis, Cirrhosis, Chronic Kidney Failure, Lupus, Scleroderma, Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy and other connective tissue related diseases.

In case you are still worried about “how come blood came out when I pooped” then while analyzing the cause bear in mind that in most of the cases, bright red blood in stool is usually indicative of an external problem whereas the presence of dark blood in poop can be indicative of potentially serious problems such as colon cancer, stomach cancer or bleeding disorders like Hemophilia.

Also, if you are wondering, “Why is it that blood comes out when I poop?” and you smoke and drink alcoholic beverages excessively then you have a lot of options to explore as these substances tend to irritate the lining of esophagus and stomach thereby increasing the risk of developing several diseases. Prolonged use of pain medications, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, in particular may also cause this problem.

When dealing with this embarrassing problem, try to observe your condition for a few days and do not panic. In case you find blood in poop and toilet paper on a somewhat regular basis then do not hesitate to approach a qualified medical professional soon for better advice on the basis of accurate diagnosis.