An Effective Anti-Aging Therapy Secrets

An Effective Anti-Aging Therapy Secrets

What if you discover an anti aging secret to get back in your twenties and get in your best shape ever! Will you be ready to make the needed efforts? And if yes, then this article on anti aging therapy is just forRead More

10 Best Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

10 Best Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

Lips are one of the most beautiful and attractive parts of the body. And thus it needs to be taken proper care of. A chapped lip not only looks ugly but also causes pain and discomfort. Chapped lips are usually characterized by dryness,Read More

Dark Circles Under Eyes Removal

Dark Circles Under Eyes Removal

Dark Circles under the eyes can greatly affect your appearance and make you look older than your actual age. These are the signs of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, allergies, malnutrition etc. However, these signs can be easily covered up or can evenRead More

Benefits of Banana for Hair - How to Use Bananas for Hair Care

Benefits of Banana for Hair - How to Use Bananas for Hair Care

There are a number of benefits of bananas. The benefits are not just limited to health but also extend up to beauty treatments as well. It is an effective beauty treatment for skin as well as hair. Banana is rich in potassium, naturalRead More

Diagnosis of Hair Loss

Diagnosis of Hair Loss

Hair loss is not that easy to diagnose as it seems. You need to take many preventive measures and treatments to cure this disorder. A full set of information about medical and family history can be really fruitful. Also, physical examination helps inRead More

Home Remedies For Pimples, Cure Pimples

Home Remedies For Pimples, Cure Pimples

Just go through these home remedies for pimples to get a clean and clear skin forever.  Enough of these pimples, zits and acne! Forget about those so-called effective pimples or acne medical treatment, and just go for these home remedies: 1. Steam yourRead More

Angular Cheilitis Clotrimazole

Angular Cheilitis Clotrimazole

Research shows that anti fungal medications effectively help in angular cheilitis treatment. Chapped lips or angular cheilitis are caused by fungal or bacterial infections. The condition can be worsened by candidiasis or staphylococcal. Chapped lips are also commonly caused by deficiency in nutritionRead More